New York Workers' Compensation is an intricate area of law that is often subject to a number of misconceptions. This site is intended to help readers seeking clarification on the topic of NY Workers' Comp. Whether you are an injured worker lost amidst the complexities of Workers' Comp, a doctor who is not sure how to properly handle a Workers' Comp patient's file, or simply a curious New Yorker who worries about what would happen if you were ever injured on the job, I hope that the content of this site will deliver the answers you seek, even to questions you didn't know to ask.

It is my pleasure to welcome you into the world of New York Workers' Compensation. I hope you enjoy your visit, spread the word, and come back soon.

Best regards,

Camila P. Medici, Esq.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How Do Child Support Obligations Affect Workers' Compensation Benefits?

It's very simple: in the eyes of the law your child comes first.  Hopefully that is also true in your own eyes, but, legally, it will definitely be true.  It does not matter that the findings of child support were made by a different judge in a different court of law, if you owe monies (arrears) then a lien can be placed against your workers' compensation wage benefits.  However, it is understandable that you may be worried about being able to afford the amount of money you were directed to pay in child support now that you are out of work and receiving workers' compensation.  If you feel you can no longer afford the same amount of child support because you are out on comp, you should talk to your family lawyer and go back to the court that directed the child support to see if they can lower the amount based on your newfound financial status and inability to work to earn more money.  It is possible that they will adjust the amount until you are able to return to work. 

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